ふゆやすみ & Last Post of the Semester

ふゆやすみに うちにかえります。ファイナルテストのあとで いきます。十二月十八日から二十一日まで おとうとは ファイナルテストをしますから、やすみで あまりいそがしくないです。私のともだちとあいます。それから、かぞくといっしょに ナッシュヴィル(Nashville)に いきます。このやすみに たくさんリラックスをします。
My winter break will be pretty relaxing.  We don’t have very many plans for a month-long break, but at least my old high school isn’t doing finals after break anymore.  So, we’ll likely be able to do more fun stuff without worrying about studying.  My brother and I can take a break from academics, but he’ll probably end up studying math for future competitions anyway.

I was very glad to have this opportunity to study Japanese in a classroom environment.  Attempting to study Japanese on my own was fun, but Notre Dame’s Japanese classes helped me learn how to apply my Japanese knowledge to real-world situations.  It’s good to know how Japanese grammar/sentence structure works alongside memorization of important phrases.  The class has also helped me better understand the songs I listen to and the anime I watch, both in what the characters are saying as well as cultural contexts for certain situations.  I’m excited to start the next semester and look forward to potentially studying abroad in the summer!
